Results for CA

How Technical Debt Weighs Down Efforts to Innovate - And How to Resolve It

Disruption is driving demand for more and faster innovative apps. Ironically, building the new app is not the biggest problem. It’s supporting or modernizing old, bad sloppy or broken code.  To explore this issue of ‘technical debt’ IDN speaks with OutSystems CEO Paulo Rosado.  

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OutSystems Survey Finds ‘Technical Debt’ a Major Drag on Innovation

The condition of  ‘technical debt’ is proving a major drag on companies efforts to deliver innovation, according to an OutSystems survey.  IDN speaks with OutSystems CEO Paulo Rosado about the findings – and how companies can conquer technical debt.

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Dremio Cloud SQL Lakehouse SaaS Accelerates BI and Analytics

Dremio Cloud is taking a SaaS approach to bring scale and consistent query performance at a low cost to companies. IDN looks at Dremio’s approach to simplify data lakes with a cloud-native service.

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How Security as Code Can Accelerate DevSecOps

In 2021, major hacks are revealing new vulnerabilities to modern applications and the infrastructure they run on. GitLab’s Cindy Blake shows IDN why automation and security-as-code can provide broad protections and deliver a more reliable DevSecOps.

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Redis Labs' RediSearch 2.0 Delivers Real-Time Enterprise Search, Query and Indexing

Redis Lab is RediSearch 2.0, an upgrade to its secondary index and query engine. The software will let organizations build modern, scalable apps with interactive search experiences by automatically indexing Redis datasets -- without changing their app.

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New Relic One Update Automates Anomaly Detection, Root Cause Probabilities

New Relic One sports new updates that can automatically uncover and identify system anomalies Thanks to Applied Intelligence, engineers can quickly see the probable root cause of incidents from any data source.

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Immuta, Okta Team To Simplify Data Governance, Identity Management Across Cloud Environments

As companies implement varied cloud environments, they are looking for smarter and simpler ways to achieve data governance, identity services and control. Immuta and Okta are teaming up to deliver such a solution across cloud, hybrid and multi-cloud. 

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Why Low-Code Projects Will Benefit from a ‘Decoupled’ App Platform Architecture

Interest in low-code / no code platforms is skyrocketing in 2021, as companies strain to reduce their growing backlog of app requests. IDN speaks with OutSystems CEO Paulo Rosado about how using a low-code platform with a 'decoupled' architecture will improve productivity, flexibility and scale.

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Enabling the Remote Workforce with Intelligent Expense Reporting

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted enterprise IT to focus on support for support remote workers. Acumatica’s Ajoy Krishnamoorthy shares insights and wisdom on how companies can identify impactful solutions for their work-from-home workforce.

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Iguazio Data Science Platform Simplifies AI App Projects; Adds Integrated Feature Store

Iguazio is adding a production-ready feature store to its data science platform.  It will allow users to more quickly and easily develop, deploy and manage AI apps, according to execs.

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Self-Service is the Future And It’s Time To Embrace It

Exploding volumes and velocity of data, coupled with demands from internal customers, have put IT staffs under pressure. Meanwhile, budgets remain flat. Talend CTO Krishna Tammana tells IDN how offering self-service data access to end users can relieve the strain on IT, unlock productivity and spur innovation.

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McAfee MVision Cloud-Native App Protection Platform Adds Native AWS Integrations

McAfee MVision is set to bring data loss prevention and malware detection to Amazon Web Services projects with enhancements to its Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP).  The release is set to go GA in early 2021.

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Showing 13 - 24 of 57


What to Look for in a Cloud Integration Solution

  • Darren Cunningham - VP Informatica Cloud Marketing


Mobile IT - Keynote Case Study Panel

  • Antenna Software: Jim Somers, Chief Marketing & Strategy Officer & Ken Parmelee, Sr Director Product Management
  • Kii Technology: Miko Matsumura  SVP for Platform Marketing and Developer Relations
  • IBM: Greg Truty, Distinguished Engineer, Chief Architect of Mobile (WebSphere)
  • Kapow Software: Stefan Andreasen, CTO and Founder 
  • Ping Identity: Paul Madsen, Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Integrating Cloud Applications in Days Using IBM Cast Iron

  • Simon Peel - SVP Strategy & Marketing

Cast Iron Systems Case Study

  • Simon Peel - SVP Strategy & Marketing

Behind the Movement to On-premise Clouds

  • Paul Weiss, Senior Cloud Engineer

Eliminate SaaS Sprawl w/ Cloud Data Integration

  • Darren Cunningham  - Vice President, Informatica Cloud

How BPM Can Help Your Business'

  • Pat Pruchnickyj [Talend] - Director, Product Marketing
  • Mac McConnell [Bonitasoft] - Vice President, Marketing

Ensuring Service Levels in the Cloud

  • Andy Kicklighter - Sr. Principal Product Manager

BI-EDGE Keynote Case Study

  • Dan Galt, Product Marketing Manager & Go To Market Strategist IBM Business Analytics 
  • Malene Haxholdt, Business Analytics, Product Marketing Manager
  • Joe Nicholson, Vice President, Product Marketing
  • Stefan Andreasen, Founder and CTO 

CLOUD-CON: Virtualization - Keynote Case Study Panel

  • Symantec: Mike Reynolds - Storage and Availability Management Group 
  • IBM: Snehal S. Antani - Private Cloud Strategy & Product Management
  • Nimsoft: Andy Kicklighter - Senior Technical Product Manager
  • Red Hat: Gordon Haff - Chief Evangelist for Private Cloud/Virtualization
  • Microsoft: David Greschler - Director, Virtualization and Cloud Strategy

BPM-CON Case Study Keynote Panel

  • Progress Software: Dr. M. Ketabchi - Chief Scientist
  • IBM: Dave Marquard - Manager, BPM Product Marketing
  • Oracle: Dan Tortorici - Director of BPM Product Marketing

The Application Integration Crisis

  • Stefan Andreasen - Founder and CTO 

Kapow Software Expert Voice July 2011

Informatica Cloud: Application Integration for the Cloud Era

  • Darren Cunningham - VP Informatica Cloud 

Your Journey to Mobilizing Your Users - Any App - Anytime

  • James Rendell
    Director, New Business Innovation
    Tyson Whitten
    Director, API Management Solutions

CA Webinar - June2013 - DevOps with CA LISA Suite

No Passwords, No Problem: Using WebAuthn To Stop Account Takeover for Browsers

  • Swaroop Sham - Sr. Product Marketing Manager Customer Identity

Enterprise-Grade Integration Across Cloud and On-Premise

  • Darren Cunningham - VP

Connecting the Cloud with WebSphere Cast Iron

  • Chandar Pattabhiram, VP, Product & Channel Marketing, IBM Cast Iron

How Case Management Turns BPM on its Head

  • Bob Ragsdale
    Vice President, Marketing

CLOUD-CON: Financial Services - Case Study Keynote Panel

  • Featured Analyst: Judith Hurwitz, President and CEO, Hurwitz & Associates  
  • Red Hat: Gordon Haff, Cloud Evangelist
  • IBM: Snehal Antani, Private Cloud Strategy & Product Management
  • Ping Identity: Patrick Harding, CTO
  • IBM Cast Iron: Chandar Pattabhiram, VP, Product & Channel Marketing, IBM Cast Iron

Develop Real Time Applications using WebSocket Apache Camel and ActiveMQ

Charles Moulliard, Senior Architect, FuseSource

The Past, Present and Future of Apache Camel

Jon Anstey, Principal Software Engineer, FuseSource
Claus Ibsen, Principal Software Engineer, FuseSource

CLOUD-CON: Virtualization - Case Study Keynote Panel

  • [Red Hat]: Joe Fernandes - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Cloud Business Unit   
  • [IBM]: Snehal S. Antani - Private Cloud Strategy & Product Management
  • [Nimsoft]: Andy Kicklighter - Senior Technical Marketing Manager   

Getting Started with Apache Camel

Claus Ibsen, Principal Software Engineer, FuseSource

Transitioning Legacy SOA Platforms to Participate in the New API Economy - GNAX and Intel

  • Andy Thurai - Chief Architect, Application Security and Identity Products

Tracking Real-Time Weather, Big Data using Camel

David Reiser, Chief Engineer, Volpe Center, U.S. DOT, CSC
Ram Raju, Sr IT Architect, Volpe Center, U.S. DOT, CSC
Shane Kent, SW Engineer, Volpe Center, U.S. DOT, CSC

Large Scale Deployments of Apache Camel in the Cloud

James Strachan, Software Fellow, FuseSource

BPM Beyond Web Services

Kai Wähner, IT Consultant, MaibornWolff

Become a Mobile Enterprise Using the IBM Mobile Application Development Lifecycle

Leigh Williamson - Distinguished Engineer

BPM-CON: Case Study Keynote Panel

  • [Progress Software]: Dr. M. Ketabchi - Chief Strategist
  • [IBM]: Brian Safron - Program Director, WebSphere Business Rules and Events
  • [Oracle]: Dan Tortorici - Director of BPM Product Marketing

Enterprise Mobility: How to Start?

Mary Brittain-White - CEO and Founder Damien Moriarty - International Manager

Agenda - CloudCon: Management & Security

  • [CA] Andy Kicklighter -  Sr. Principal Product Manager
  • [Ping Identity] Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO
  • [Oracle] Jyothi Swaroop - Product Director
  • [Red Hat] Dave Egts - Principal Architect
  • [Red Hat] Chris Wells - Senior Product Marketing Manager
  • [IBM]  Robert Vila - WebSphere Connectivity & Integration Product Management

Building a Secure Open Hybrid Cloud

  • Dave Egts - Principal Architect

  • Chris Wells - Senior Product Marketing Manager

Securing Mobile - Cloud and API Services

  • Robert Vila - WebSphere Connectivity & Integration Product Management

Adaptive Case Management – Delivering Right Customer Experience

Ajay Khanna - Director, Product Marketing

Bullet-proof your Cloud

  • Jyothi Swaroop - Product Director

Ensuring Service Levels in the Clouds

  • Andy Kicklighter - Sr. Principal Product Manager

Informatica Cloud: Get More from All of Your Cloud Investments

  • Darren Cunningham, VP Informatica Cloud

A Standards-Based Framework for Cloud Identity

  • Paul Madsen - Senior Technical Architect, Office of the CTO

Practical Steps to Secure your APIs for Mobile

  • Mark O’Neill
    VP Innovation, Axway

Next Generation Intelligent Applications with BPM

  • Ajay Khanna - Director, BPM Product Marketing

CLOUD-CON: Integration - Case Study Keynote Panel

Featured Analyst: David Linthicum - CTO, Blue Mountain Labs

  • His Session:
    Smart, Rapid and Secure Cloud Integration for Enterprise Applications and Data


How BPM Can Help Your Business

  • Pat Pruchnickyj [Talend] - Director, Product Marketing
  • Mac McConnell [Bonitasoft] - Vice President, Marketing

IBM MobileFirst Platform - Build, Integrate and Scale Great Mobile Apps

  • Curtis Gearhart - Sr Product Mgr
  • Anil Daswani - Product Mgr

Eliminate SaaS Sprawl with Cloud Data Integration

  • Darren Cunningham  - Vice President, Informatica Cloud

Personalized, Powerful, Easy-to-Change Business Applications

  • Raphael Allegre - Product Marketing Manager

Mobile Application Development Survey – Executive Summary

  • Ross King – Principal – King Research


Build an Intelligent Integrated Enterprise with On-premise and Cloud Applications

  • Pierre Fricke - Director, Integration and BPM Product Marketing

Fuse Large Scale Deployment

A Financial Use Case Using SOA to See BPM End-to-End and Amplify ROI (Part 2)

ESB-CON 2010: Case Study Keynote

Expert Speakers:

  • IBM: Marc-Thomas Schmidt - Distinguished Engineer and IBM Chief Architect SOA Connectivity
  • Oracle: Bruce Tierney - Product Director for Oracle Fusion Middleware Software

Beyond Process Modeling: Creating Modern Process Driven Applications with BPM

Integrating Cloud Applications in Days Using IBM Cast Iron

  • Simon Peel - SVP Strategy & Marketing

How Case Management turns BPM on its Head

The Challenges of Enterprise Mobility

  • Mary Brittain-White: CEO and Founder