Intelligent Data Summit
An Online Conference


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2022 TRENDS:

Intelligent Data

AI, Machine Learning, Analytics, IoT, Time Series, AIOps,
Edge Computing, Secure Access, Automation

Title: Intelligent Data Summit
Speakers: DataStax, Okta, InfluxData, ScienceLogic,


Expert Presentations

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Expert Presentations

Bryan Kirschner, DataStax

Bryan Kirschner
VP Strategy


Real-Time Gets Real: How to Win the "Data Decade"

Brian Gilmore, InfluxData

Brian Gilmore
Director of IoT and Emerging Technologies


Rethinking Application Architectures and the Database in the IoT Era


Aaron Parecki, Okta

Aaron Parecki
Sr Security Architect
Developer Advocate


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About OAuth and Open ID Connect

Jimmy Whitaker, Pachyderm

Jimmy Whitaker
Chief Scientist of AI


Taking MLOps 0-60:
How to Version Control, Unify Data and Manage Code Lifecycles

Ann Swenson, ScienceLogic

Ann Swenson
Sr. Solutions
Marketing Manager

Ben Leyland, ScienceLogic

Ben Leyland
Principal Product Manager


Make IT Work Flow Faster With Intelligent Automation


White Papers & Analyst Reports


The CIO’s Guide to Shattering Data Silo. Why Standard on an Open Stack

Application Modernization with a Cloud Native Data Platform

Managing the Hybrid, Multi-Cloud, and Distributed Cloud Future

GigaOm Report - Cost Savings of Replacing Kafka with Pulsar

Why Multi-Cloud is Imperative to Any Modern Data Strategy


Why Time Series Matters for Metrics, Real-Time Analytics and Sensor Data

Tools and Integrations with InfluxDB

Choosing the Right IoT Data Platform: Architecting for IoT


Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About OAuth and Open ID Connect


Guide TO Evaluating MLOps Platforms

Healthcare Provider Uses Pachyderm ML Pipeline for Medical Insights

Using Pachyderm ML Pipeline to Make Video Content More Discoverable

Completing the Machine Learning Loop

What is Data Lineage


ScienceLogic: Automation Engine for AIOps

Rein in Operational Disruptions with AIOps

EMA - AIOps Means Business: IT Innovation for Business Advantage

Automated Notification and Collaboration Workflows Use Case